Tiff Ronato, renowned as "Brainy Big Sister," made her debut on mainstream television through Pinoy Big Brother Season 10 Edition in 2022. While residing in the PBB house, she penned the song "Bahaghari" for their summer concert, a composition that later graced the stage during the esteemed Big Night of that same season. Following her PBB stint, Tiff made notable appearances in MMK episodes such as "Lupus Love," "Lost Son," and "Ate’s Purpose." Her recent accolades include being crowned "Miss SCUAA Region 8 2023" and "Mutya san Allen 2023." Currently pursuing a degree in Accountancy at the University of the Philippines Tacloban, Tiff's path in the industry was preceded by her fervent dedication to composing songs and sharing covers online as part of her hobbies.